The beginner division is designed for new* HubSpot developers who are looking for a fun reason to build cool things while learning more about the platform.
The beginner division is pretty wide open for your creativity to go wild. The contest entry you submit should be your most creative spin on the blog tool. This could be anything from a creative layout to repurposing it into a directory, catalog, team page, etc.
Keep in mind...
Sign up today and we will send you resources to help you while building, judging criteria and a template you should use to submit your contest entry.
Create something cool, win some HubSpotty prizes!
* Anyone who has launched a site on the COS should participate in the Advanced division
The advanced division is designed for those already building on HubSpot and are looking for a fun way to challenge themselves while building something to showcase in our developer community.
If pictures speak a thousand words, a gallery speaks millions! The advanced division guidelines are pretty darn simple... Find creative ways to pull, organize, display and sort photos (and video if you're feeling adventurous) into some sort of gallery in HubSpot.
Keep in mind...
Sign up today and we will send you resources to help you while building, judging critiera and a template you should use to submit your contest entry.
We're going all out for this Hack-a-Thon! We're searching for THE Hack-a-Thon champion... will it be you?
Advanced Winner: Chad Pierce (Bluleadz)
Chad created a super helpful online product catalog which pulls it data from a Google Spreadsheet. This allows users to catalog and sort literally thousands of products. Includes a pretty slick filtering and browsing functions.
Beginner Winner: Justin Lagadec (MYCHEFCOM)
Justin developed a stunning hero board for the top your sites and landing pages. Really creative use of background styling - check it out.
Advanced Winner: Ryan VonBergen (Media Junction)
Ryan and the team at Media Junction pushed the limits of the COS by developing a very impressive events calendar that pulls its data from a Google Speadsheet and outputs it with stylish, user friendly front-end design. Very awsome entry - check it out!