HubSpot CMS

Multilingual menu module

This module is commonly used inside the header (global module). There you can choose one menu per language. So it basically allows you to have one template/header/footer for as many languages as you need.


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13 Recommendations

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{% for lang in module.menu_by_lang -%}
  {% if (slug is string_startingwith lang.lang_slug) ||  (loop.last and found != 1) %}
    {% menu
      id="{{ }}",
      root_type="{{ module.root_type }}",
      flyouts="{{ module.flyouts }}",
      max_levels="{{ module.max_levels }}",
      flow="{{ module.flow }}"
    {% set found = 1 %}
  {% endif %}
{%- endfor %}


            // js

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Multilingual menu module

This module is commonly used inside the header (global module). There you can choose one menu per language. So it basically allows you to have one template/header/footer for as many languages as you need.

Did I mention it also works in the system pages? :)

You only need a repeatable group that will create the dictionary we need (in our case the group slug is: menu_by_lang): The lang_slug will be the slug that will be compare to, while the menu_id will be the asociated menu to such slug/lang.

    "lang_slug": "es/",
    "menu_id": "1234"
    "lang_slug": "en/",
    "menu_id": "0000"

*Notice: the last element/row will be the default element to display if there is no match with the slug *

13 Recommendations



Head developer in leadstreet

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