HubSpot CMS

Menu Module Starter

A starter script for quickly building HubSpot menu's using the menu() function.

Created by: Jon McLaren

Tags: Menus and navigation


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{%- macro render_link_item(link,depth)-%}
  {%- if link != [] && link.label -%}
    <li class="hs-menu-item hs-menu-depth-{{depth}} {{'hs-item-has-children' if link.children}}" aria-role="none" {{'aria-haspopup="true"' if link.children}}>
      <a href="{{link.url if link.url else '#'}}" aria-role="menuitem">{{link.label}}</a>
      {%- if link.children -%}
      <ul class="hs-menu-children-wrapper" aria-role="menu">
        {% set depth = depth + 1%}
        {%- for sublink in link.children -%}
        {%- endfor -%}
      {%- endif -%}
  {%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
  <nav class="sc-site-header__menu sc-site-header__menu--{{ module.menu_field }} hs-menu-wrapper active-branch flyouts hs-menu-flow-horizontal" aria-label="{{menu_name}} menu">
      {% set menu = menu(module.menu_field , "site_root").children %}
      <ul aria-role="menubar">
       {% for link in menu %}
       {% endfor %}

            /* This module gets most of it's styles from the HubSpot boilerplate css to start, add your own styles if necessary. */

            // No JS needed

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This is a basic menu module to use as a starter for your own menus using the HubSpot menu() function. Intentionally it does not have any CSS of it's own. When popped into a page using HubSpot's boilerplate css however it will render just like the HubSpot menu tag menu's do.

You can then easily modify the html to fit your specific needs to build mega menus or other advanced features.

5 Recommendations

Jon McLaren


Web Developer, HubSpot Development Specialist

View Jon McLaren’s Gallery (4 Entries)

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