About Blackwood Builders Group

Blackwood Builders Group is a team of contractors, project managers, designers and real estate developers that build custom spec homes in the Seattle area. Our team of professionals will work to help you develop the home of your dreams so contact us today. 

Their site was designed by Creatrix Marketing, a HubSpot-certified partner. For more details on their redesign and inbound strategy, you can contact Creatrix Marketing here.


As a developer and designer I've worked on many different platforms like: Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal and many others. I can honestly say that the HubSpot COS is the best platform on the market. The COS provides responsive templates out of the box, and allows for simple customization for advanced changes. In addition bringing in javascript and jquery into the COS is simple as well so what you can do with the COS is really endless.
Jonathan Pavoni

Jonathan Pavoni


Creatrix Marketing