Integrations / APIx
Consumer Servicesx
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Migrating landing pages for a reality TV SVOD serviceMigrating landing pages for a reality TV SVOD service
Consumer Services
Company: hayu
Agency: Blue Green
By switching to HubSpot CMS, hayu was able to increase agility and create dozens of custom, rebranded marketing experiences. We made it incredibly easy for content creators to deploy and make changes, through the powerful features of CMS Hub.
Permobil Product Explorer App: Find Your RidePermobil Product Explorer App: Find Your Ride
Consumer Services
Company: Permobil
Agency: InboundLabs
The Product Explorer App helps customers to find the right wheelchair based on their diagnosis, physical attributes, and personal preferences. It’s about the person, more than about the wheelchair.
Permobil Navigator: Consistency is KeyPermobil Navigator: Consistency is Key
Consumer Services
Company: Permobil
Agency: InboundLabs
Permobil asked us to build a unified, easy to manage user experience for their learning management systems, the Permobil academy, and other pages, across multiple web properties and CMS, in each county.
Dashboard with dynamic widgets and login area on Content HubDashboard with dynamic widgets and login area on Content Hub
Consumer Services
Company: Net4Energy
Agency: InboundLabs
InboundLabs has built a private membership area within CMS Hub that allows users to build their own personalized dashboards by using drag and drop widgets. Additionally, members now have the option to chat to each other once logged in.
A Smarter System for EnergySmartA Smarter System for EnergySmart
Consumer Services
Company: EnergySmart
Agency: Hype & Dexter
EnergySmart’s new web app and HubSpot database has revolutionised the daily work of every single person in their team, and brings a whole new set of reporting capabilities to support data-driven decision making that will drive business growth.