Portal-iQ is the World’s First Automated HubSpot Audit

Portal-iQ audits your HubSpot Portal and builds a custom 108* page report with prioritized actionable recommendations, tips and [friendly] warnings. Use the report to get a better ROI on your HubSpot investment. *page count varies with Hubs & Tiers
A Custom Module with an SVG animation “above the fold” loads in the homepage. Google Page Speed Insights ranks the page at 94% on mobile and 97% on desktop – despite also loading Google Tag Manager, the Facebook Pixel, custom fonts and JavaScript.


Company name:




Web Design Agency:


Webalite Webalite

All examples from: Webalite


HubSpot Service Partner Tier:


Portal-iQ is a Certified HubSpot App that benchmarks your HubSpot Portal and dynamically builds a report with prioritized actionable recommendations, tips and [friendly] warnings. Portal-iQ analyzes: - Setup & Configuration - Contacts, Companies, Deals & Tickets - Marketing, Sales & Service Hubs. The Portal-iQ Benchmarking engine uses APIs to analyze your HubSpot Portal. The report is compiled from the benchmarking data and pages from Portal-iQ’s HubSpot Content Hub, then rendered as a PDF.

Problem the company had:

As a HubSpot Partner we used to spend days writing a single report for a HubSpot Audit. We found lots of HubSpot Portals had similar issues that were creating friction for teams or reducing the effectiveness of marketing, sales and customer service.

The Hubspot Content Hub solution:

The Portal-iQ website is built on the HubSpot Content Hub. When a customer installs the Portal-iQ App, and completes the checkout, a Deal is created and the Audit process begins: 1. the Benchmarking Engine runs in the background using HubSpot’s APIs to analyze the data in the customer’s HubSpot Portal 2. the Compiler uses Personalization Tokens to merge the benchmarked data into HubSpot Content Hub pages 3. the Publisher renders the compiled HTML to a PDF 4. the Uploader sends the PDF Report to Portal-iQ’s CRM.


Both Hubspot customers and HubSpot Partners have used the Portal-iQ Report to fix issues, improve their HubSpot setup and data, implement best practices and ultimately get a better return on investment. “It’s a no brainer” said one HubSpot Partner.


Company name:




Web Design Agency:


Webalite Webalite

All examples from: Webalite


HubSpot Service Partner Tier: