Turning and rebranding a digital magazine into a blog

By redesigning the content-creation workflow, we helped streamline and enable easy content creation and publishing by moving a digital magazine to a blog format leveraging the HubSpot CMS.


Company name:

Nationwide Pet Insurance

HubSpot Products:

Content HubAPIs

Web Design Agency:


Blue Green Blue Green

All examples from: Blue Green


HubSpot Service Partner Tier:


By redesigning the content-creation workflow, we helped streamline and enable easy content creation and publishing by moving a digital magazine to a blog format leveraging the HubSpot Content Hub. Our solution empowered Nationwide’s marketing team to create, publish, and manage content easily.

Problem the company had:

Before migrating to HubSpot Content Hub, Nationwide’s Companion Magazine was heavily reliant on graphic design work, and this limited the ability for anyone on the team to contribute to the quarterly issues.

The Hubspot Content Hub solution:

We redesigned the content-creation workflow to enable anyone on the team to create, manage, and publish content easily. This workflow did not require any design or IT work to create and upload content, and instead all resources were directed towards creating engaging content. Leveraging the HubSpot Content Hub helped us attain this flexibility.


Launching the solution helped enable content-creation and management at scale. The focus shifted from putting together resources for hosting content, and went towards simply creating engaging and educational content that was easily accessible.


Company name:

Nationwide Pet Insurance

HubSpot Products:

Content HubAPIs

Web Design Agency:


Blue Green Blue Green

All examples from: Blue Green


HubSpot Service Partner Tier:

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