We all need a little inspiration sometimes. So, when you're feeling a bit lackluster, here is a list of 25 modern sites from a range of industries that will spark a little bit of inspiration in you. All of these sites are mobile friendly and responsive and feature a host of great features. This list is split into multiple sections based on industry so, you can find the most relevant and useful inspiration. Go forth, my friends!
A huge trend in B2B companies is wide splash page that includes animations or looping stock videos. As you can see in a few of the sites listed below, the looping stock video is relatively popular. If you're interested in learning more about it, click here. Something to note: Although B2B companies keep things simple but, they like to add a little personality (see Mailchimp and Zendesk) into their sites.
1. Salesforce
2. MailChimp
3. Evernote
4. InsightSquared
5. Zendesk
6. New Relic
7. Big Cartel
8. Invision App

9. Feed Music

10. Everlane
11. BloomThat
12. AYR
13. Warby Parker
14. Harry's
15. Huffington Post
16. Minimums
17. Medium
18. Flipboard
19. Asterik http://www.theasterisktoday.com/
20. The boston globe
21. http://education.iceandsky.com/
22. How I Fight: https://howifight.53.com/?a
23. Girl Effect http://www.girleffect.org/
24. Under the Weather http://undertheweather.eu/
25. It's On Us http://itsonus.org/